Hi Guys, today I face a issue while running my application on production.
I was trying to login my application and it was showing Oracle JSP Error:oracle.jsp.parse.JavaCodeExpression.
I opened my Errorlog And saw the message "ADF Detected an ADFContext leak."
Solution -
Step1- open your em(Oracle Enterprise Manager) .
Step2- web logic Domain --> Manage Server(WC_Spaces)
Step3- Click log --> Log Configuration -- > Select ADF in search Drop Down
Step4- Select TRACE:32(FINEST) in oracle.adf.share.ADFContext
Step5- Click on Apply button and run the application.
So your application will run and not to show ADFContext leak again.
Cheers Guys :)
Hi Guys, today I face a issue while running my application on production.
I was trying to login my application and it was showing Oracle JSP Error:oracle.jsp.parse.JavaCodeExpression.
I opened my Errorlog And saw the message "ADF Detected an ADFContext leak."
Solution -
Step1- open your em(Oracle Enterprise Manager) .
Step2- web logic Domain --> Manage Server(WC_Spaces)
Step3- Click log --> Log Configuration -- > Select ADF in search Drop Down
Step4- Select TRACE:32(FINEST) in oracle.adf.share.ADFContext
Step5- Click on Apply button and run the application.
So your application will run and not to show ADFContext leak again.
Cheers Guys :)
We're facing the same problem with plenty of "ADF Detected an ADFContext leak" messages in the logs. So I'm glad to see a possible workaround.
It's hard to imagine that increasing the log level for the component, and so ask for more informations in the log, can make these disappear. I would have tried the opposite.
Anyway, we will try it :) .
A question: is there an impact on the performances? Can we run with this configuration in a production environment?
Any feedback on this point?
Increasing the logging level will not solve the leak.
This is only suggested to identify which is the class that is creating and not disposing off the ADF Context properly.
With the logging enabled, you will get a stack trace and a class will be there invoking ADFContext.getCurrent. This class needs to reset the ADF context to avoid the leak.
Yes Xavier so if you are using ADFContext.getCurrent() Method in any class you have to reset every time better create a util method and call that method after using ADFContext Class.
My Solution will increase the trace and you can find the More information.
In Production defiantly hamper the performance for huge application but for testing you can increase the log level while debugging the issue.
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