When Deploy an Application on Web logic two things needs to Avoid -
1. Couldn't find jdbc datasource -
In this article I explained how to configure a jdbc datasource for an adf application deployed on web logic. What's not actually told is what caused us troubles : the jdbc ds should not contain any "_" or "-" or any other special characters like these.
Because of that, the application was not able to resolve in the jndi tree the matching data source, and it was a source of error. Renaiming it in the application and on weblogic solved it.
2. 500 internal server error - couldn't find faces context -
It actually was a tricky one. On the welcome page of the application you have to input a login and a password, then click an action button. Clicking it, and others actions components in the application causes the server to crash due to an "internal error". Checking the logs revealed that the application couldn't find it's context. The error in the stack trace pointed to a line of the backing bean action method which invoked a method-binding (with bindings.getOperationBinding("")). And on top of that, just so you know, the application behaved perfectly on integrated weblogic.
What causes the problem ? Check right now your web.xml, welcome-file node : we just had the name of the page :
Instead, you should have :
Configuring Data Source -
below are steps to configure the DS -
S1 -After servers are up and running open weblogic server console and enter the user name/password
S7 - Keep all default transaction option and click on next.
S8 - now Enter the User Name and password.
S9- Click on test Configuration Button.
S10 - now select the managed server and click on Finish.
S11- Now in the Summary of JDBC Data Sources, you can see the new DS.
1. Couldn't find jdbc datasource -
In this article I explained how to configure a jdbc datasource for an adf application deployed on web logic. What's not actually told is what caused us troubles : the jdbc ds should not contain any "_" or "-" or any other special characters like these.
Because of that, the application was not able to resolve in the jndi tree the matching data source, and it was a source of error. Renaiming it in the application and on weblogic solved it.
2. 500 internal server error - couldn't find faces context -
It actually was a tricky one. On the welcome page of the application you have to input a login and a password, then click an action button. Clicking it, and others actions components in the application causes the server to crash due to an "internal error". Checking the logs revealed that the application couldn't find it's context. The error in the stack trace pointed to a line of the backing bean action method which invoked a method-binding (with bindings.getOperationBinding("")). And on top of that, just so you know, the application behaved perfectly on integrated weblogic.
What causes the problem ? Check right now your web.xml, welcome-file node : we just had the name of the page :
Instead, you should have :
Configuring Data Source -
below are steps to configure the DS -
S1 -After servers are up and running open weblogic server console and enter the user name/password
S2- Creating a data source is a change to the domain's configuration, so the configuration must first be locked. In the Change Center, click the Lock & Edit button. S3- In the administration console under Domain Structure, expand Services (by clicking the + next to it). Then click Data Sources. S4- On the right, notice that the Summary of JDBC Data Sources section appears.
Under the Data Sources table heading, click the New drop-down list. Then select Generic Data Source.
S5 - Enter Name of Data Source and Jndi Name. |
S6 -On the second page of the wizard, use the Database Driver drop-down list to select
*Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections; Versions:9.0.1 and later.
click Next.*Oracle's Driver (Thin) for Instance connections; Versions:9.0.1 and later.
S7 - Keep all default transaction option and click on next.
S8 - now Enter the User Name and password.
S9- Click on test Configuration Button.
S10 - now select the managed server and click on Finish.
S11- Now in the Summary of JDBC Data Sources, you can see the new DS.
Excellent article.This is really very useful article..Keep going..Thank you for your sharing.
Thanks Sathya :)
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