Hi Guys, Today I'll show you how to create an ADF
Project and Deployed as Library in Webcenter Portal Project.
Scenario - I need
to Display all the record on basis of Search criteria Parameter and consume
those task flows under Process Reporting Tab.
Resolution - For this functionality below are the
A). Creation of ADF
Application and setting Dependency
B). Deployment Of the Application on to Web Center
C). Creating BMC Request for Deployment In
different Env.
D). Adding And Creating Tabs using Task Flow from
Here I'll explain only Creation of ADF Application
and setting Dependency Other B,C,D will explain in next coming blogs.
Creation of ADF Application and setting
Dependency -
S1- Create and ADF project in particular directory
and provide a valid name of application follow the below oracle recommended
Forget about
BPMCommonUIDeployments project for few minutes and focus on Model and
ViewController Project.
S2- Create a read only VO on basis of your
queries inside views package and add those VO in Application Module inside am
S3- create bind Variable and view criteria follow
below article for creating Bind Variable and View Criteria.
S4- now create fragments, pages, Task flows under
corresponding folders.
S5- Now drag and drop View criteria from data
controls as a query panel with table.
S6- Now drag and drop this fragment into Task flow and drag that task flow into page as region.
S7- Now drag and drop TF into page as a region .
S8- Now create a view
controller project for deployment named as BPMCommonUIDeployments.
S9- Set the dependency as below -
S9A- Right Click on Model >Project properties>deployment>select new>select
as ADF Library jar file>click on OK>Click on Ok.
S9B- Right click on ViewController> Project properties>deployment>select war file >file name.
Click on Ok>Ok.
Select Dependencies >Click on Edit icon>select model.jpr >check Build otput>click Ok>Ok.
S9C-Select Deployment project>project properties>Deployment>click on new>select war file from Drop Down>provide name>Click Ok.
Select Dependencies >click edit icon>select ViewController.jpr>select your created war file>Ok>Ok.
S10- Now right click on Deployments Project >Deploy> as a war .
This is how set the dependencies in ViewController
and Deployments Projects.
I'll explain how this war file deploy on to weblogic
in web center portal project in next blog.